Important Information
Passport photos
Australian passport photo specifications are very strict. Photos that do not meet these standards will be rejected and may significantly delay your application. As such, it is essential you read and adhere to our Passport Photo Guidelines.
Processing times
It typically takes six weeks to receive a passport for applications lodged in person, and eight weeks for those lodged by mail after it has been successfully lodged, as long as all supporting documents and photos are accepted. Significant delays may occur if your photos are not accepted or if any required documents are missing. Please note that applications submitted outside of Australia cannot be expedited. If you need your passport urgently, you may be eligible for an emergency passport - read the relevant section below for more information.
Applying by mail
Most passport renewal applications can be lodged by mail - check if you are eligible and learn how to lodge your application by mail.
All other applications must be lodged in person - by appointment only - at the Embassy.
The following information applies to all passport applications
The Australian Passport Office has introduced a new portal for clients to complete their passport application form online. You must register for an account before completing the passport application.
Print the application on plain white A4 paper in black ink only. You may need to adjust your print settings so that the top/bottom of the pages are not cut off. Applications must be less than six months old.
Sign all sections using a black pen only, within the white signature box. Ensure your signature(s) have been witnessed where applicable. Passport staff cannot witness signatures.
Please read the entire section on the application relevant to you and complete all the steps outlined before booking an appointment.
Visitor access to the Embassy is by appointment only.
Passport applicants can schedule an appointment online after thoroughly reviewing the section relevant to their application and completing all steps. Only one application can be submitted per appointment.
Please ensure you come to your appointment fully prepared. Complete all necessary documentation accurately in advance, bring all required supporting documents, and have your signatures witnessed if/where required. Please note that passport staff cannot witness signatures.
All visitors must present current photo ID (e.g. passport or driving license), undergo a security screening, and walk through a metal detector. Please advise the security guard if you have had a pacemaker implanted.
Fees are non-refundable and payable on the day you lodge your application. Payment is taken in Australian Dollars. The amount you are charged in euro may vary depending on the exchange rate and bank fees.
We accept payment by credit or debit card only; American Express is not accepted. It is essential to complete a payment authorisation form for the Embassy to process your payment. Please ensure this form is included with any applications submitted by mail.
In addition to the passport application fee, a $16 (€10) registered post fee is charged for each application.
Fees are set by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and regularly reviewed and adjusted for exchange rates. Current fees are as follows:
Passport with 10 year validity for persons aged 18 and over - 34 visa pages (includes overseas surcharge of €108.00) | $576 (€350) |
Passport with 10 year validity for children aged 16 and 17 - 34 visa pages (includes overseas surcharge of €53.00) | $485 (€295) |
Passport for 5 year validity for children aged 15 and under - 34 visa pages (includes overseas surcharge of €53.00) | $288 (€175) |
Passport 5 year validity for persons 75 and over - 34 visa pages (includes overseas surcharge of €108.00)* | $379 (€230) |
Replacement passport if visa pages full (current passport must have 2 years validity; replacement will have same expiry date) - 34 visa pages* | $250 (€152) |
Emergency Passport - 4 visa pages | $250 (€152) |
*Eligible applicants can opt to apply for a standard passport with 10-year validity instead*
Most adult passport renewal applications can be lodged by mail - please see criteria and instructions for lodging by mail at Adult Renewal by Mail. If you are eligible to lodge your application by mail but would prefer to lodge in person anyway, you should follow the steps below.
How to prepare and lodge an adult renewal passport application in person:
- Read the PC7 Renewal Form Instruction Sheet
- Before getting photographs taken, read the Passport Photo Guidelines thoroughly
- Complete the PC7 Application Form
- Check the Approved Guarantor List
- Read the PC7 Checklist to ensure you are providing all necessary items and submitting it correctly
- Check the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Read the Book an Appointment section above and schedule an appointment using our online system
Supporting documents:
- Completed application form
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Please note that we do not need your current passport for an adult PC7 application
All first time passport applications must be lodged in person. If your application is for a child, see the Apply for a Child's Passport section below.
How to prepare and lodge your application:
- Read the PC8 Application Form Instruction Sheet
- Before getting photographs taken, read the Passport Photo Guidelines thoroughly
- Complete the PC8 Application Form
- Check the Approved Guarantor List
- Read the PC8 Checklist to ensure you are providing all necessary items and submitting it correctly
- Check the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Read the Book an Appointment section above and schedule an appointment using our online system
Supporting documents:
- Completed application form
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Original full birth certificate
- Original evidence of Australian citizenship
- At least two forms of identity documents that combine to show your photo, signature, and current residential address
- Documents that prove any change of name or change of gender
Renewal applications for children aged 15 or younger: Child passport renewal applications (PC8s) can be lodged by mail if the application meets the criteria - please see criteria and instructions for lodging by mail at Child Renewal by Mail. If you are eligible but would prefer to lodge the application in person anyway, you should follow the steps below.
All applications for children aged 16 or 17: All passport applications for children aged 16 or 17 must be lodged in person with the child and at least one parent or a guardian who has parental responsibility.
First time passport applications and replacement passport applications for children aged 15 or younger: Applications for first time passport or applications to replace lost, damaged, or stolen passports must be submitted in person by at least one parent or a guardian who has parental responsibility. If the child is aged 15 or younger, they do not need to attend the interview with the parent.
How to apply and lodge a child’s PC8 in person:
- Read the PC8 Application Form Instruction Sheet
- Before getting photographs taken, read the Passport Photo Guidelines thoroughly
- Complete the PC8 Child Passport Portal
- Check the Approved Guarantor List
- Review the PC8 Checklist to ensure you are providing all necessary items and submitting it correctly
- Check the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Read the Book an Appointment section above and schedule an appointment using our online system
- If the child is aged 15 or younger, they do not need to accompany their parent to the interview
If the child is aged 16 or 17, they must accompany their parent to the interview
Supporting documents:
- Completed application form
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Original full birth certificate
- Original evidence of Australian citizenship
- Documents that prove any change of name
- Any court orders and additional passport forms we require to establish who has parental responsibility for the child
- Child applications must have consent from all parent(s)/guardian(s)
- For the parent(s) or those with parental responsibility lodging the application, identity documents that together show their photo, signature and current residential address
- Children aged 16 or 17 years must also bring at least two forms of identity documents that together show their photo, signature and current residential address. The child must attend the in-person appointment with their lodging parent/guardian.
If your name has changed from the name on your most recent evidence of Australian citizenship, you will need to provide documentation to confirm this change with your application before a passport can be issued in your new name. You must include original documents that explain all name changes with your application, along with any necessary English translations.
If you were married in Australia, you must provide the marriage certificate issued by the Australian Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages (RBDM). A marriage certificate issued by a celebrant or religious leader is not acceptable for passport purposes.
If you were born in Australia and have changed your name through marriage overseas or by any other means, you need to register the name change with the RBDM in the state or territory where you were born. Obtain a name change certificate which must accompany your completed passport application. You must also provide your original overseas marriage certificate.
For further information, see Guidance regarding Name Changes
How to prepare and lodge your application:
- Read the PC8 Application Form Instruction Sheet
- Before getting photographs taken, read the Passport Photo Guidelines thoroughly
- Complete the PC8 Application Form
- Check the Approved Guarantor List
- Read the PC8 Checklist to ensure you are providing all necessary items and submitting it correctly
- Check the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Read the Book an Appointment section above and schedule an appointment using our online system
Supporting documents:
- Completed application form
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Original full birth certificate
- Original evidence of Australian citizenship
- At least two forms of identity documents that combine to show your photo, signature, and current residential address
- Documents that prove any change of name or change of gender
If your passport is damaged, please call us on +353 1 664 5300 between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, so we can advise you on the extent of the damage and your next steps. In most cases, we will ask you to email photos of the damaged passport to [email protected].
Even minor passport damage can stop you from travelling. Damage that might require you to replace your passport includes:
- water damage
- unofficial markings on the data page
- tears, cuts, or missing pages
- anything which might make the photo page illegible or unclear
- marks across your photo or in the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) at the bottom of the photo page
- alteration or tampering.
How to prepare your application:
- Read the PC8 Application Form Instruction Sheet
- Before getting photos taken, read the Passport Photo Guidelines thoroughly
- Complete the PC8 Application Form
- Complete a B11 form that tells us when, where and how the damage happened
- Check the Approved Guarantor List
- Read the PC8 Checklist to ensure you are providing all necessary items and submitting it correctly
- Check the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Read the Book an Appointment section above and schedule an appointment using our online system
If you need to travel urgently, please call us immediately on +353 1 664 5300 between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. If it is outside our business hours, please call DFAT’s Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra at +61 2 6261 3305.
Supporting documents:
- Completed application form
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Original full birth certificate
- Original evidence of Australian citizenship
- At least two forms of identity documents that combine to show your photo, signature, and current residential address
- Completed B11 form
- The damaged passport
How to report your passport as lost/stolen:
You are legally required to report your passport as lost/stolen to us as soon as possible. If you fail to do so or make false/misleading statements, you can be imprisoned for up to 10 years and fined up to 1000 penalty units. This protects you and others against identity theft/passport fraud.
Make sure your passport really is lost/stolen. The moment you report your passport of lost/stolen to us, we immediately and permanently cancel it. After this point, your passport cannot be reinstated and must not be used for travel should you find it later, even if you find it or recover it.
- If you are in Australia, call the Australian Passport Information Service on 131 232
- If you are in Ireland, call us at +353 1 664 5300
- If you are elsewhere overseas, contact your nearest Australian diplomatic or consular mission.
If your passport was stolen, you must also report the incident to the police and ensure you obtain a copy of the police report. This applies in Australia and overseas. See Smartraveller.
How to prepare and lodge your application:
- Read the PC8 Application Form Instruction Sheet
- Before getting photographs taken, read the Passport Photo Guidelines thoroughly
- Complete the PC8 Application Form
- Check the Approved Guarantor List
- Read the PC8 Checklist to ensure you are providing all necessary items and submitting it correctly
- Check the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Read the Book an Appointment section above and schedule an appointment using our online system
If you need to travel urgently, please call us immediately on +353 1 664 5300 between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. If it is outside our business hours, please call DFAT’s Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra at +61 2 6261 3305.
Supporting documents:
- Completed application form
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Original full birth certificate
- Original evidence of Australian citizenship
- At least two forms of identity documents that combine to show your photo, signature, and current residential address
- A copy of the police report (if your passport was stolen)
Unless we are satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist, repeated losses/thefts will result in reduced validity for your next passport:
- Two losses in five years will result in your new document having a validity of five years
- Three or more losses in five years will result in the issue of a document valid for a maximum of two years (or in some cases, we will not issue you a new passport at all)
Reduced validity passports due to repeated losses/thefts will still cost the same amount as a standard 10 year passport.
The above penalties will not apply if you prove your passport was lost/stolen due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control. You will need to give us as much information as possible including full details of the loss/theft and any supporting documents such as police reports.
Please call us immediately on +353 1 664 5300 between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
If it is outside our business hours, please call DFAT’s Consular Emergency Centre in Canberra at +61 2 6261 3305.
Supporting documents:
- At least two passport photos which meet the Passport Photo Guidelines
- Your completed application form
- Your current Australian passport (if not lost/stolen) and at least two forms of identity documents which collectively show your photo, signature, and current residential address
- Evidence of the urgent nature of your request, such as flight tickets
- Police report (if applicable)
- Completed B11 form explaining the urgent nature of your travel.
- Emergency passports are only valid for up to 12 months and don’t have a chip, so some countries do not accept them. Check the visa requirements of all countries you plan to enter or transit
- Please keep in mind that it takes at least 48 hours to issue an emergency passport
- You can apply for a full validity passport at the same time as you apply for an emergency passport. See the relevant section above for information on applying for a full validity passport
- Please read the Passport Fees and Payment Methods section above
- Even if you schedule your appointment by calling us, please read the Book an Appointment section above to ensure you are familiar with all security requirements and such before your visit to the Embassy
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Privacy Policy:
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) uses third-party software (Setmore) to manage the Consulate-General's appointments. Your personal information (including your name and contact details) will be collected by DFAT via Setmore to book your appointment and for related purposes. By proceeding with this booking, you are consenting to the collection of this information by Setmore on DFAT's behalf for these purposes. If this information is not collected, DFAT's ability to arrange your appointment will be limited. Your personal information will be handled by Setmore in accordance with Setmore's Privacy Policy, and by DFAT in accordance with DFAT's Privacy Pollicy.