Australian Embassy

Doing business with Australia

Visit the DFAT Trade and Investment hub for more information and statistics on Australia's trade and investment relationships.


The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government agency that helps Australian companies win overseas business for their products and services by reducing the time, cost and risk involved in selecting, entering and developing international markets.

It helps Australian businesses of all sizes, across all sectors, to succeed in international trade and investment. Operating a global network of offices in more than 100 locations in 55 countries, Austrade offers practical advice, market intelligence and ongoing support to Australian businesses.For information on investing and doing business in Australia, go to Invest section of the Austrade website.

The Austrade office in the United Kingdom is also responsible for Ireland. If you are looking for support in connecting your business with Australia, please contact David Camerlengo, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner and his team in Australia House, London by emailing [email protected].


Exporting to Australia

Irish companies wishing to sell products and services to Australia obtain details on import regulations into Australia should contact Enterprise Ireland

Australian companies wishing to export to the Ireland should fill out this query form or contact the Export Hotline in Australia on 13 28 78 (from Australia).


The Irish Chapter of the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce

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